Joint Hypermobility Frequently Asked Questions
Joint Hypermobility Frequently Asked Questions What is Joint Hypermobility? Joint Hypermobility is a condition in which joints can be moved beyond the normal or expected range
Joint Hypermobility Frequently Asked Questions What is Joint Hypermobility? Joint Hypermobility is a condition in which joints can be moved beyond the normal or expected range
Pilates is a system of body conditioning, which helps improve posture, strength, flexibility and core stability. The carefully controlled stretching and strengthening exercises in Clinical Pilates often involve stabilising one part of the body, while moving another part. This helps you to build up the awareness, strength and endurance in your deep or ‘core’ muscles so important to good posture and comfortable efficient movement.
Golfer’s Elbow Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) is far less common that Tennis Elbow and affects the muscles which attach to the inner aspect of your
Joint Hypermobility Syndrome Have you ever suspected that you are ‘double jointed’? Do you have a history or frequent sprains and strains, or clicky joints,
Lumbar Disc Injury Overview What is a Lumbar Disc Injury What is a lumbar disc injury? What’s the difference between a disc bulge a disc