Free2move Physiotherapy

Group of people lying on the floor doing a Feldenkrais exercise in unison

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Classes

Group classes in the Feldenkrais Method are known as Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons. Here you will learn ways to improve your movement. This helps ease pain or tension. Many people find this reduces the need for hands-on treatment.

The classes are usually very relaxing. They help you become more aware of easier ways to do everyday things such as walking or running, bending or lifting, crouching down or getting on and off the floor.

Our Feldenkrais classes are small, friendly and supportive. Come and discover how pleasurable and relaxing movement can be.

a group of 5 men and women laying on their backs holding one knee as part of a Feldenkrais exercise in a big room
Awareness Through Movement Feldenkrais Lesson

View our Classes Timetable

What Happens During a Feldenkrais Class

During a Feldenkrais class you usually lie on a comfortable mat while your Practitioner talks you through a series of connected movements. The movements are done slowly, smoothly and mindfully. Each week you explore different movement patterns, rather than repeating the same exercises

Feldenkrais practitioner giving a class

How Does Feldenkrais Work?

The Feldenkrais Method is supported by the latest cutting-edge neuro-science. We now know that the brain is ‘plastic’ and can change. This is known as neuroplasticity.

Movement and posture are habitual. This means that much of the time we move automatically, without consciously thinking about it. Most methods of trying to change these habits don’t work. The reason is that we can’t consciously think about our posture for very long. As soon as we focus your attention on something else we slip back into old habits.

In Feldenkrais classes and individual sessions, we engage in a series of movement explorations. We improve our ability to sense new and more efficient movement options. We compare different ways of moving to find what is most comfortable. The process of learning expands the network of connections in the brain and nervous system.

Gradually we become more aware of more subtle sensations. This allows us to more quickly notice if we are in an uncomfortable position. We can then change what we are doing before pain or discomfort develop.

Movements which may have been stiff, awkward or painful, become smoother, comfortable and often completely pain-free. This process is often gradual, and yet at times people experience dramatic improvements very quickly.

Jodie Krantz in class 2010

A one on one consultation is a pre-requirement for any service. Be assessed for one of our experienced practitioners.

Physiotherapist Jodie Krantz is the head Physio and owner of Free2move Physiotherapy, Pilates and Feldenkrais
  • Go to our portal to book a one-on-one appointment either by zoom or in person at the practice.
  • The portal is also where you book into our studio Exercise Rehab small groups for close one-on-one assessment and training using our Pilates equipment.

Private Health Insurance Ruling

Please note that new government legislation prevents health insurance companies from giving rebates for Feldenkrais Classes with a Physiotherapist. From 1st April 2019 Feldenkrais Classes will no longer be claimable anywhere in Australia. Individual appointments are claimable if it is clinically indicated as part of your overall physiotherapy treatment and within the accepted scope of clinical practice.

National Information about the new ruling can be found here.

Watch Feldenkrais Videos by Jodie Krantz

Feldenkrais Services