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Pregnancy and Post Natal
Pregnancy Teatment and Exercises
Exercise Rehab with a Physiotherapist is a gentle and enjoyable form of exercise during pregnancy and post natal for most healthy women. At Free2Move all clinics are run by a qualified Physiotherapist giving you one-on-one time, ensuring you will have a safe, effective and comfortable experience.
Our aim is to keep your muscles toned, with special emphasis on exercises for your abdominals, pelvic floor, back and ‘glutes’. We help you to improve your posture, alignment and balance, while minimising any discomforts associated with your changing body. Pilates assists with preparation for labour and birth as well as the physical tasks of early parenting.
Pregnant women can usually attend either our Clinical Pilates Studio Programme or our Level 1 Group Pilates classes. Free2Move advise you to seek your doctor’s approval before commencing a new form of exercise during pregnancy. It is recommended to have an individual assessment before starting the classes.
Individual Physiotherapy treatment is also available at our clinic if needed. We help you with common pregnancy issues such as lower back pain, pelvic pain, sacro-iliac pain and cramps.

Postnatal Pilates
Pilates with a Physiotherapist is a great way to get back in shape after you’ve had your baby. We recommend our Clinical Pilates Studio Programme or our Level 1 Group Classes to safely tone and strengthen your abdominals, back muscles and pelvic floor, helping you to regain your figure. Most doctors will advise you to wait about 6 weeks before starting Clinical Pilates classes, but even before then we can show you some simple exercises you can do at home.
After the birth, our Physiotherapists can check your abdominal muscles for separation and show you how to support these muscles if required. We can also help you deal with any back or neck pain, which often occurs at this time due to muscle weakness and lots of lifting! Safe lifting techniques are taught at our classes, as it is not just strength that is needed but intelligent use of your body.

We also understand other problems which may sometimes occur following childbirth, such as bladder leakage, mastitis, fatigue or depression and can provide support, advice and referral to other health specialists as appropriate.
A little bit of time out for yourself when you are caring for a young family can also be a wonderful thing, leaving you feeling relaxed and aligned. You deserve it!
Individual Physiotherapy treatment is also available for common aches and pains experienced by new mothers. We often treat women for lower back pain, pelvic pain, upper back pain, neck pain, wrist pain and knee pain during their child-bearing years.