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Private Health Insurance Claims FAQs

Private Health Insurance Claims FAQs
Australian private health insurance companies are bound by new legislation introduced by the Federal Government and taking effect from 1st April 2019. This has left many people asking whether our Physiotherapy, Feldenkrais and Clinical Pilates services are still covered.
DISCLAIMER: There are hundreds of different health funds in Australia. Each fund offers different levels of cover for Physiotherapy services and different rebates. As a result the following FAQs are a general guide only. For accurate advice please call your insurance company. It may be helpful to quote the item codes listed in the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Can I claim Individual Physiotherapy appointments at Free2Move?
Individual appointments may be claimable under item code 500 (initial assessment consultation) or item code 505 (subsequent consultation). If you have two or more problems requiring treatment you may be able to claim for a long consultation (item code 506). Please check with your insurance company to find out whether you are covered and how much you would get back for each of these items.
Can I claim for Individual Pilates Appointments at Free2Move?
Under the new legislation, exercises which are drawn from our knowledge of Clinical Pilates may be included as part of your Physiotherapy treatment. We only provide treatment that we consider to be within the accepted scope of clinical practice for our profession. As a result you may be able to claim for your treatment under item code 500 (initial assessment consultation), item 505 (subsequent consultation) or item 506 (long consultation – 2 or more problem areas). Only your health fund can advise whether you are covered and how much you would get back.In this case the following codes will appear on your receipt: item code 500 (initial assessment consultation), item 505 (subsequent consultation) or item 506 (long consultation – 2 or more problem areas). Please check with your health insurance provider to find out if you are covered and what rebate you would receive.
Can I claim for Individual Feldenkrais Appointments at Free2Move?
Under the new legislation, exercises which are drawn from our knowledge of Feldenkrais may be included as part of your Physiotherapy treatment. We only provide treatment that we consider to be within the accepted scope of clinical practice for our profession. As a result you may be able to claim for your treatment under item code 500 (initial assessment consultation), item 505 (subsequent consultation) or item 506 (long consultation – 2 or more problem areas). Only your health fund can advise whether you are covered and how much you would get back.
Can I claim for Group Pilates Sessions at Free2Move?
Free2Move no longer offer Group Pilates Sessions. However we do offer Exercise Rehab Group Sessions, which may incorporate some exercises which are drawn from our knowledge of Clinical Pilates. In these sessions a maximum of 4 people attend our exercise studio at the same time. Each person has an individual exercise programme specifically created by their Physio to address their health goals and medical conditions. As this service is within the accepted scope of clinical practice for our profession, the sessions may be claimable under item code 560. Please confirm whether your health insurance policy covers you for this service.
Can I claim for Pilates Floor Classes or Feldenkrais Floor Classes at Free2Move?
Unfortunately our Pilates and Feldenkrais Floor Classes are no longer claimable under private health insurance. The Federal Government’s legislation being introduced on 1st April 2019 means that no health insurance company anywhere in Australia is allowed to offer refunds on these classes.
COVID 19 Update
Our floor classes will all be held online for Term 2 and 3 in 2020. We are using the Zoom app to bring all our classes to you in your own home. This is a great way to take a break from your computer and get some exercise. More than ever we need to learn new ways to take care of both the body and the mind. Because of our training in the Feldenkrais Method we are able to provide support for you during this difficult time. At the end of each class their will be a time for chatting together to help reduce social isolation. Online classes are not claimable under private health insurance.
Important note about our Floor Classes
Please be assured that as Physiotherapists with over 20 years experience each, we still offer the same high standard of movement and posture education in Pilates and Feldenkrais floor classes. It is unfortunate the Federal Government does not recognise the value of these services to our clients.
Training in the Feldenkrais Method is highly sought after by Australian Physiotherapists. We believe that this is because it is often effective where traditional approaches have not worked. Principal Physiotherapist of Free2Move Jodie Krantz has been invited on numerous occasions by the Australian Physiotherapy Association to present Feldenkrais workshops to her Physio colleagues. Jodie also taught Feldenkrais for 7 years as part of the Bunbury Pain Management Programme run by St John of God Hospital in Bunbury.
In 2018 Jodie was assisted world renowned Physiotherapist and researcher, Dr Marie-Louise Bird in presenting a Pilates for Older Adults training workshop to Physiotherapists in Perth. This workshop was also organised by the Australian Physiotherapy Association. Clinical Pilates is different from fitness Pilates. The exercises originally developed by Joseph Pilates are often not appropriate for our clients. Clinical Pilates refers to exercises that are specifically adapted to fit the medical diagnosis and functional goals of our clients.
Where can I find more information?
Please follow the links below for more information about the changes.
Federal Government Legislation changes
Hicaps codes for Physiotherapy
Information about Hicaps codes from the Australian Physiotherapy Association
Please be assured that as Physiotherapists with over 20 years experience each, we still offer the same high standard of movement and posture education in Pilates and Feldenkrais floor classes. It is unfortunate the Federal Government does not recognise the value of these services to our clients.
Training in the Feldenkrais Method is highly sought after by Australian Physiotherapists. We believe that this is because it is often effective where traditional approaches have not worked. Principal Physiotherapist of Free2Move Jodie Krantz has been invited on numerous occasions by the Australian Physiotherapy Association to present Feldenkrais workshops to her Physio colleagues. Jodie also taught Feldenkrais for 7 years as part of the Bunbury Pain Management Programme run by St John of God Hospital in Bunbury.
In 2018 Jodie was assisted world renowned Physiotherapist and researcher, Dr Marie-Louise Bird in presenting a Pilates for Older Adults training workshop to Physiotherapists in Perth. This workshop was also organised by the Australian Physiotherapy Association. Clinical Pilates is different from fitness Pilates. The exercises originally developed by Joseph Pilates are often not appropriate for our clients. Clinical Pilates refers to exercises that are specifically adapted to fit the medical diagnosis and functional goals of our clients.