Free2move Physiotherapy

Tag: class

  • Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons

    Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons

    a group of 5 men and women laying on their backs holding one knee as part of a Feldenkrais exercise in a big room
    Awareness Through Movement Feldenkrais Lesson

    Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons – Tips and Pointers

    By Jodie Krantz

    Before beginning Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement for the first time, it can really help to have  few tips. This will help you get the maximum benefit from the lessons.

    Feldenkrais lessons are not intended as a work out. You are neither trying to stretch nor to strengthen your muscles.

    Instead you are awakening your natural intelligence and body awareness. The process happens easily when you pay attention to what you are sensing without thinking about it too much.

    The purpose of Feldenkrais is learning and the outcome is having a flexible brain. Developing a wide repertoire of movement and behavioural options means you are becoming more resourceful and resilient. In ever changing life, tfhis is true freedom.

    Do Less and Feel More

    • Reduce effort and unnecessary tension
    • Stay aware of your breathing – it will quickly tell you if you are working too hard.
    • If it hurts don’t do it. You can still benefit by imagining the movements.


    Follow the 3 S’s – Optimize The Learning Process

    • Slow down – moving slowly allows your brain to take in more sensory information per second
    • Smooth out your movements – this helps with coordinated muscle action
    • Small is best – smaller movements ensure your comfort and safety and increase your sensory awareness


    Curiosity and enjoyment facilitate learning

    Above all, enjoy your lesson. An open and curious attitude is the best approach.


  • Theme for Feldenkrais Classes Second Term 2017

    Theme for Feldenkrais Classes Second Term 2017

    Man sitting on a wall near the ocean contemplating

    Theme for Feldenkrais Classes Second Term 2017

    Alison’s Class Theme

    Saturdays at 10:00 am

    Moving on from last series freeing the neck and the jaw to twisting and turning without effort.

    Jodie’s Classes Theme

    Mondays at 6 pm and 7pm, Tuesdays at 9.30am, Thursdays at 10.30am

    This term the focus is on power without effort. We will be exploring the bodies natural ‘movement physics’, paying attention to the bodies hinges and levers.

    The aim will be to create more energy efficient movement.